Donner du fil à retordre

When you think of twisting threads (retordre du fil), what’s the first image that comes to your mind? Do you think it as a difficult task? Take a minute to try and give a figurative meaning to the phrase “to give someone threads to twist”. What’s the meaning of this phrase? The modern meaning of […]

Ça ne mange pas de pain

Well, here we go again…It doesn’t eat bread?! No, it’s not that. Breath, take it easy and enjoy the ride! What does it mean? When something doesn’t demand a lot of effort, doesn’t have any consequences or doesn’t imply a big risk, we use the expression “Ca ne mange pas de pain”. But, why “bread”? […]

Etre connu comme le loup blanc

To be known like the white wolf? Why do French people use this expression? What does it mean? Does it mean to be known as a dangerous person? Well, if you are not familiar with this and other weird but fascinating French “expressions imagées”, let’s take a quick hop into this article. What does it […]

Être à côté de ses pompes

“Être à côté de ses pompes” or “être tête en l’air” or even “avoir la tête dans la lune”. Does this tell you something? Have you been in this situation? Let’s find out! Check in the test below the things that you have done or usually do : Es-tu à côté de tes pompes? I […]

L’herbe est toujours plus verte ailleurs

When you read this phrase, what does it evoque in you? Are you now thinking of a park and green grass? Well, it might be the first image that crosses your mind and we don’t blame you. This is what “expressions imagées” tend to do to our heads. But let’s see what this is about. […]

Tourner autour du pot

Hello and welcome to “Expressions bien de chez nous”! In order to initiate you in French turns of phrase, we’re going to start with the expression “Tourner autour du pot”. What is it to “Tourner autour du pot”? We mainly do this when we are hiding something or just don’t want to talk about a […]

French humour

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about French humour. Surely like other countries, it is something that is really present in the life of people but maybe even more for French people.  If you ask them how their humour is, they could probably say that it is quite bad. Meaning the jokes can […]

Myths and realities about the learning process of the French language

Welcome to the French in Bordeaux website! We are here today to talk about “myths and realities about the learning process of the French language”. Because yes, I am sure that everyone is having thoughts about learning a new language and especially French but I am telling you that after reading this article you will […]

French culture

Today in this French in Bordeaux article we are going to talk about French culture and more precisely the 21st of June, which is a special day in France. This is what we call La fête de la musique.   This celebration was created in 1981 by the minister of culture, Jack Lang, and the [...]

The french films

Today in this French in Bordeaux article we are going to talk about cinema and the french films that you can watch if you want to practice your oral comprehension or just to chill during the weekends but still practicing french.   First of all : The french films   One that may not be [...]